Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Self Evaluation

Attainment: 1= I've understood all the content so far and could most probably express my understanding in a essay.

Effort: 2= i do try my best but cant say it's 100% consistent.

Punctuality: 1= always on time!

Submission and quality of homework: 1= i don't think i've failed to submit any of my hmk this term and i always do complete it with a lot of time and effort.

Ability to work independently: 1= i'm not as chatty as i was last year because the work is a lot challenging so when i do work independently that's exactly what i do.

Quality of writing: 1= we haven't done an essay yet but my blog analysis and notes have been good.

Organisation of folder: 2= it's organised now but it dont always stay like that

Oral contributions in class: 1= :-)

Standard of med5 and med6 blog: 2= Both are consistent yet i could do more work on them.

1) Invest more time into my blogs
2) Maintain organisation of my folder
3) Aim to get effort=1


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