Friday, September 08, 2006

Social, Political and Economical context all-in-one

The effect of 9/11, 7/7 and other attempted terroism attacks has undoubetdly caused injustice and misrepresentation of British 'Asians.' Due to the collective noun 'Asian' it has meant every brown-skinned person is ignorantly placed into the category of extreme terrorists. Nonetheless, i'd like to think the majority of British citizens dont think this way but unfortunately some do. With racist attacks soaring up to 600% after terrosim what extent have drama series such as 'Life isn't all ha ha hee hee' subverted such stereotypes?

The following are a few quotes from disccussing the impact it has had on British Asians.

OpPrEsSiOn... "In reality, Bush's regime did so partly to increase its prestige in the wake of 9/11 by flexing its military might, but also to follow the dream of cheap oil for US imperialism."

"Blair has enthusiastically supported every nuance of US foreign policy to a greater extent that any previous British prime minister. This has inevitably had a particular effect on British Muslims."

"The vast majority of Muslims in Britain are completely opposed to terrorist attacks. Nonetheless, the increase in the tiny numbers who not only support, but are prepared to take part in, such plots, is directly linked to the US and British imperialism's brutal policies."

"British Muslims have also suffered an increase in prejudice, with racism increasingly being expressed in 'anti-Islam' terms."

"Immediately after the 7/7 bombings there was a 600% increase in racist attacks. Every Muslim, and person who might be 'seen as Muslim', must now fear that the latest alleged plot will lead to another rise in racism."


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